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Como indígena P’urepecha de las tierras de Michoacán, Mexico, desplazado acá en los Estados Unidos, mi intención es inspirar a nuestra gente indígena a tomar la manta, las pinturas, el barro, las brochas y recordar que somos artesanos, y que nuestros abuelos, tatarabuelos, bisabuelos y durante miles de años antes de la conquista, hemos sido creadores, arquitectos y artesanos, y no necesitamos gastar miles de dólares en colegios o academias para que se nos reconozca como artistas. Traemos nuestro arte en las venas, y sólo tenemos que reconectarnos con nuestras raíces, abuelos y abuelas y con la memoria de nuestra gente de donde descendemos y la tierra que nos vió nacer.


As an indigenous P’urepecha from the lands of Michoacán, Mexico, displaced here in the United States, my intention is to inspire our indigenous people to take the blanket, the paintings, the mud, the brushes and remember that we are craftsmen, and that our Grandparents, great-grandparents and for thousands of years before the conquest, have been creators, architects and craftsmen, and we don’t need to spend thousands of dollars in schools or academies to be recognized as artists. We bring our art in our veins, and we just have to reconnect with our roots, grandparents and grandmothers and with the memory of our people from where we descend and the land that saw us born.

(PHYSICAL) Chimalli: Creando Arte Ceremonial / Creating Ceremonial Art

    • $5.00 Nationally
    • $10.00 Internationally
    • Free for poverty skolaz
  • If you can't afford the cover price, please email to request a free/sliding scale copy.

© 2018 by PNN-KEXU-RADIO/TV/Prensa POBRE/ Decolonewz Poor & Indigenous People

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