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Change won’t come from a savior, a pimp, or an institution—real change will only come from a poor people-led revolution!

It’s always been an emergency for us Po’ folks. From Katrina to COVID-19, the poorest and most oppressed are always hit hardest during disasters—while banks get bailed out, we get left behind.

In this collection, poverty skolaz from across Turtle Island and Mama Earth speak out and share their survival stories through words, art, and images along with news stories, health info, and resources to help folks in struggle during this pandemic and the ongoing virus called poverty.


Sliding scale $0-20, pay what you can afford. Enter the amount you can pay as the promo code during checkout to apply the discount. If you don't have an email address/credit card, or want to pay cash, Venmo, etc. please email

(PHYSICAL) Po' People's Survival Guide thru COVID-19 and the Virus of Poverty

    • $5.00 Nationally
    • $10.00 Internationally
    • Free for poverty skolaz
    1. Add the book to the cart and go to checkout.
    2. Click the yellow "Enter a promo code" link under the picture of the book.
    3. Type in what you can pay from 0-20. Whole numbers only (no cents or dollar signs). For example put 5, not 5.00 or $5
    4. Click apply.
    5. Click checkout.
    6. Enter your name, email, phone, and payment info (unless it's a free copy)
    7. Click Place Order.
    8. Click Download at the bottom of the yellow box.

© 2018 by PNN-KEXU-RADIO/TV/Prensa POBRE/ Decolonewz Poor & Indigenous People

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