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We created this powerFULL book production as an act of revolution, resistance  and decolonization to the ongoing land theft, resource theft and criminalization of poor peoples, indigenous peoples and disabled peoples across mama earth. One of the ways to resist this ongoing war On the Poor is to change the way we contribute and support each other -so for sales of the book we set up the sale of Poverty Scholarship as a wHolistic Sliding Scale (which is how we do everythng at POOR Magazine) meant to be made affordable to everyone who wants to receive this medicine on this stolen land- which means if you have $30.00 or more dollars to contribute - you will be making the giveaway possible to someone who has little or no money- so we are asking for $3-300 for every hard copy and the on-line curriculum that will be sold in addition to the hard copy of the book- and given/shared for free to fellow poverty skolaz across mama earth.  Also If you are a poverty skola yourself and have limited resources but want a copy of the book please email us at and we will send you a book - all love and respect always


Poverty Scholarship Poor People-Led Theory, Art, Words & Tears Across Mama Earth

    • $5.00 Nationally
    • $10.00 Internationally

© 2018 by PNN-KEXU-RADIO/TV/Prensa POBRE/ Decolonewz Poor & Indigenous People

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